Saturday, 15 September 2007

A Few More Random Photos

Jay painting away at the orphanage!
Char and Mona start painting the orphanage

Stuart cooking up a treat

Ssekulima making Chapattis - yum!

Jay, Emmanual and Mariam looking cool at Charlottes birthday party!


Unknown said...

I want to know if Uganda qualified for the African Nations - I'm sitting on the edge of my seat here.

Unknown said...

You know it makes painting walls much easier if you paint the edges first! (Not as much fun though!) Looks like you are doing some amazing work out there. You're certainly not missing anything exciting in the UK weather wise!

Helen said...

Happy birthday Charlotte! It sounds like you had a really great party. I am sorry about your phone. I guess that as you are painting the orphanage that it has been built, I hope so. Anyway, lots of love to you both. I'll update you on some more exciting news stories again shortly I bet you can't wait!